Participatory Methods in Supervision. The Advantage of Crises in Collective Learning

Participatory Methods in Supervision. The Advantage of Crises in Collective Learning Where: University of Zadar, City of Zadar, Croatia “Summer University Supervision-Guiding lights for development in times of crisis” When: August 19, WORKSHOP STRUCTURE: MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM OF PARTICIPANTS: The minimum is 8 participants. There is not a maximum number of participants. GOAL: The workshop…

Introduction of the most common systemic participative tools

Introduction of the most common systemic participative tools Knowledge must come through action. —Sophocles Open Space Technology The goal of an Open Space Technology meeting is to create time and space for people to engage deeply and creatively around issues of concern to them. The agenda is set by people with the power and desire…

Working with Vision and Purpose

Working with Vision and Purpose Having a clear vision and/or a clear purpose are the first steps in bringing order into complexity. VISION: Where do we want to go? What is our ideal future? Definition: The act or power of seeing A vision statement is sometimes called a picture of your organisation in the future…

Guides for effective leadership!

Guides for effective leadership! Simple Leadership By Delegation Delegation is an important skill for you to have as a leader. People believe in what they help to create. Sharing responsibilities keeps members interested and enthusiastic about the group. (Not to mention it lightens the workload for you!) Some people are afraid to delegate since it…

Fresh bakery ideas

Vestibulum feugiat dolor molestie feugiat volutpat. Donec sed interdum ante, non varius justo. Aenean a orci egestas, lobortis mi in, congue justo. Fusce volutpat diam sapien, non consectetu.

Design quote

“A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupery