Peace is what we all are at the core of our being. Love is what we are here to do as it is the connecting energy of relationship and the creative impulse of all life. Authentic happiness and abundance is what arises after we have given selflessly with love.
Rediscovering and establishing our connection with inner and outer peace shall provide the space and time, shall pave the way for joy, deep and long-term personal and professional success, self-completion and a healthier life both in the physical and psychological plane.
Love connects, truth guides, happiness nourishes, purity reveals, compassion understands, kindness touches, forgiveness releases, patience waits, faith trusts, humility bows, respect builds, peace is …
- Short phrases, condensed meaning.
- Are we related to these in our everyday life?
- Have we found ourselves in the position described by each value/quality (love, truth, purity, compassion, forgiveness…)?
- Where does the phrase ‘peace is’ refer to?
maria a. angeli is an educator and researcher on holistic learning, focusing on human values, peace interactions, peace food and the Language of Connection as a Game Changer and a global advocate. She is one of the members of the NGO, “the spiral, holistic education, human values, lifelong learning” and active in outreach programmes and networking for the triptych: social justice, sustainability and spirituality, such as Pachamama Alliance global family, Schools for Compassion, Humanity’s Team. She is member of the International Association of Art Critics and well experienced in the field of art curating, journalism, art & environment interventions, arts & museum education. She has worked for the National Youth Foundation and the Ministry of Education in Greece, the International Olympic Academy, museums in Athens and London. She has developed programmes, short handbooks and e-books under the following topics “From human rights to human values”, “Changing the game, living the story of connection” “Children and youth as global citizens” “Peace food and the New Story”.
Markos Perrakis holds a Ph.D. in Leadership Styles and their efficiency in organisations with publications in the fields of organizational psychology and coaching. trained in Systemic Consultation, certified provider of Vocational Guidance and Professional Orientation, multilingual psychometric assessments, and coaching tools for teams and individuals in organisational, career and personality issues He is representative of ANSE (Association of International institutions for coaching and Supervision in Europe), Scientific partner of EUMU (European Union of Small and Medium Enterprises) in Greece in fields of Strategic planning and Human capital development programmes. He is Founder and Managing Director of Fractality Organisational Development Services and ISO 9001:2008 Lead auditor.
Inspired by Pythagoras, Aristotle, Gandhi, Charles Eisenstein, Marshall Rosenberg as well as, Frances Moore Lappé, Joanna Macy, Margaret Mead, Dominique Barter among others, we see communication as the generous field for miracles to happen. The communication of connection does not aim primarily at results. Result-driven behaviours serve the old Story of our world, the Story of competition, individuality, violence and disconnectedness. Connective and deep acceptance of our Selves and others open the path to the unknown possible. Studies have shown that when two people discuss a serious (professional or other) issue putting forward their genuine humane connection first and then the ‘result’, the results are coming easily and in a flow eventually. The key-word here is ‘genuine’. If people are faking that they are interested in connecting with the other human being, no connection is established and the ‘results’ are not positive in the long run. Peace leadership embraces the ability and skill to create the space and opportunity for other people to grow their abilities, gifts and preferences. It embraces the wisdom of giving unconditionally, securing simultaneously the same for the ‘leader’. Through peace interactions people cultivate and experience the potentiality of the Gift consciousness/performance. They feel abundant by giving their gifts (knowledge, honesty, experience, help, support) to other people and by receiving gifts back by people around them. Their interaction couldn’t be confined in the time and space of the interaction itself; it is, by its nature, promising and already gestated with the seeds of their future collaborations.
Please note that the application deadline for Erasmus+ funding is the 4th of February 2019, 12:00 CET.